This announcement releases on what would be Emmett Till's 81st birthday on July 25.
A new film titled TILL directed by Chinoyne Chuku (Clemency) starring actors such as Jalyn Hall, Whoopi Goldberg, Sean Patrick Thomas and Danielle Deadwyler.
Emmett Till was just an eager young man from the south-side of Chicago who was finally able to visit his family in Mississippi for the summer.
Mamie Till Mobley battled with herself on whether or not her son would be okay in a world that he is not use to. Mamie had to teach her boy how to be small down in the south where Jim Crow laws still heavily exist.
In 1955, Emmett was brutally lynch at the age of 14 years old. It is every mothers worse nightmare to loose their child and Mamie was persistent in showing the world exactly what happen to her son. She uses her voice as a lead spokeswomen within the Civil Rights Movement standing for black people and mothers who demand change within their justice system.
During a Zoom interview this summer Director, Chinoyne Chuku mentions how she, "hope it can galvanize people to action... making the world a better place not just for themselves but for other people." After watching the film she would like for viewers to walk away feeling inspired and wanting to help create a better environment for everyone both black and white.
The main character Emmett 'BoBo' Till is played by Jalyn Hall. Chuku mentions how much of a sweetheart he is to work with.
Hall while being relatively close in age now of when the traumatic events of Emmett Till took place.
"I put my blood sweat and tears into creating this film" -Chinoyne
The movie TILL will have a world premiere at the 60th New York Film Festival and will be shown in select theaters on October 14, 2022.
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